First let me fill you in about my experience with this romantic holiday. I’ve never had the chance to celebrate it, at least not with any kind of date, just with my friends when I (and them) was single. Then, when I had a boyfriend he was miles and miles away from me that day. And last year, that I was happily and formally engaged to my now beloved and handsome husband, we was also miles and miles away because we were in this long distance relationship.
To sum up… I have a non-existence experience with Valentine’s day.
Sencondly, Yi (that’s my pet name for my hubby) doesn’t like V-day. He’s one of those people who thinks everything is invented so all the big companies make some money on us…he’s right. And that if you love a person you should say it anytime of the year not just on Feb 14th. Again right. But seriously, even with all that, it doesn’t hurt anyone or i haven’t heard of anyone becoming poor for expending a little bit on his/her loved one.
So the question is.. should we or shouldn’t we celebrate it this year as a husband and wife?
I thought of making this romatic dinner for him, since I got the cooking bug and everywhere else is gonna be crowded as hell right? I went on Pinterest to find the perfect menu, I revised dozens of websites looking for ideas.. and all of them sounded pretty good, but after giving it so much thought I was sure of one thing. I wasn’t gonna experiment on a date that I would want it to be so Perfecto.
Instead I thought i’d make some simple thing like something I’ve done before and I know I master. Then I won’t make a mess out of my kitchen that latter I would have to clean and all before setting the table for the two of us. And I’m pretty sure that by the end of the night I would be so tired that the instant my head touches the bed I’m gonna be all sleepy and yawny.
I’m not sure yet what the menu will be, but I’ll keep you posted on it. So go ahead and make something special for your sweetie, and yes, make an extra effort, but don’t loose sight of what’s important this day: LOVE LOVE LOVE!! I rather be nice and fresh than all tired.
Oh.. and some nice table would be nice… I found this helpfull website if you’re looking for inspiration (click here).
Enjoy your Valentine’s day in whatever way you are (or not) celebrating it. Just give your baby some sugar!
Waiting hear your thoughts about mine… M xx
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